2006 - July/August
The July/August 2006 issue of CODE Magazine focuses on Data. Articles include tips on managing data, data access in Visual Studio 2005 and handling database concurrency conflicts.
The July/August 2006 issue of CODE Magazine focuses on Data. Articles include tips on managing data, data access in Visual Studio 2005 and handling database concurrency conflicts.
Time is money.And money is the root of all evil.So waste time. Right?
Retaining a single set of user settings for your application is easy.Retaining multiple sets of user settings is much more challenging.
In my travels I’ve had a chance to spread the good word of Web control development to many around the country; and I’ve also had a chance to meet many programmers who have been writing controls for a while.While it’s awesome to get a chance to talk code with people who enjoy the same areas of .NET that I do, I notice that there is plenty in the Web control arena that they are not familiar with. Control templates are probably the quintessential example of this. I urge you to read this article and learn about what is probably the most important feature of custom Web control development that contributes to writing extensible controls.
One of today’s new buzzwords in IT is Software Factories. This Microsoft initiative is likely to change the way that developers build software in the near future. The Software Factories initiative and vision doesn’t stand on its own, however. It’s initially supported by a set of new tools like Visual Studio 2005 Team System, the Guidance Automation Toolkit, and the DSL Tools. In this article, we will discuss Domain Specific Languages as they are one of the pillars of Software Factories. What is their role in Software Factories? How can they help you develop software? Is this just more hype or will Domain Specific Languages really change the way we build software in the not too far future? Let’s find out on the next pages.
Regardless of your .NET language of choice, managing data is a vital skill for most applications. Developers frequently must work with data at different levels, with different tools, and in different forms. This article is the first in a two-part series on some of the more common data challenges that developers face. In Part 1 of this article, I’ll cover some capabilities in ADO.NET 2.0, ASP.NET 2.0, and T-SQL 2005. Part 2 will feature some additional T-SQL 2005 coverage, as well as ways to use .NET 2.0 generics.
Do more with less code is the slogan of Visual Studio 2005.When it comes to reducing the amount of written code, wizards are definitely a viable option. Visual Studio 2005 has a lot of wizardry in it, especially to generate data access code. Any code that gets silently injected in your project follows a strict logic and a well-known design pattern. A full understanding how Visual Studio 2005 does it puts you on the right track to modify and extend the code to build your made-to-measure data access layer. This article dissects the code behind table adapters and binding source components to unveil patterns and best practices.
A lot of articles have been written about database concurrency conflict detection and the various ways of handling them. Unfortunately most of these articles, and accompanying solutions, have one major flaw in that they focus on the technical issues and database implementation instead of real-world data and how people use the data. In this article, I will try to show the difference between focusing on the database implementation and on the real-world data. I will show some possible approaches on how to solve these concurrency issues.
July august Carl Franklin .NET Rocks column