Ahson Khan
CODE Author
Ahson A. Khan is a software engineer at Microsoft and works on the .NET team within Cloud and Enterprise. His primary focus over the last two years has been on developing high-performance libraries as part of the cross-platform and open source .NET Core project. Ahson has a Bachelor’s of Software Engineering from the University of Waterloo.
Detailed Biography
Ahson A. Khan is a software engineer at Microsoft and works on the .NET team within Cloud and Enterprise. His primary focus over the last two years has been on developing high-performance libraries as part of the cross-platform and open source .NET Core project. Ahson has a Bachelor’s of Software Engineering from the University of Waterloo.
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Articles Authored
Introducing .NET Core 2.1 Flagship Types
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2018 - July/August
If you’re looking to improve your app’s performance, you’re probably already cross-platform and open source, and you already know that .NET Core is a great tool for that goal. Ahson lets us in on what’s new in .NET Core 2.1 with a focus on Span<T> and Memory<T>.