Annuska Perkins
Annuska Perkins has called Microsoft home since 1998. She began as a program manager for MSN, an online city guide. Afterwards, she joined the Accessibility group, where her role evolved from program manager, product planner, to User Experience expert. Check out her blog and projects on the MSDN Accessibility site:
Articles Authored
Accessibility 101
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2008 - Vol. 5 - Issue 4 - Windows Accessibility Focus
We know what you’re thinking: Why should I read an article about the fundamentals of accessibility?Well, if you already know the percentage of computer users who have disabilities, can name at least ten different categories of assistive technologies, and can describe the key concepts involved in designing an accessible application, then you can probably skip to the next article. However, if you’re unsure what accessible technology is, then take a few minutes and keep reading. You’ll learn about the main concepts around accessible technology, the people they help, and things you can do to help them interact smoothly and successfully with each other.