Bill Wagner
Bill Wagner is responsible for the C# area of He creates learning materials for developers interested in the C# language and .NET. He's a member of the ECMA C# Standards Committee and the .NET Foundation board of directors. He is President of the Humanitarian Toolbox. Before joining Microsoft, he was awarded Microsoft Regional Director and .NET MVP for 10+years. He is the author of Effective C# and More Effective C#.
Detailed Biography
Bill Wagner is responsible for the C# area of He creates learning materials for developers interested in the C# language and .NET. He's a member of the ECMA C# Standards Committee and the .NET Foundation board of directors. He is President of the Humanitarian Toolbox. Before joining Microsoft, he was awarded Microsoft Regional Director and .NET MVP for 10+years. He is the author of Effective C# and More Effective C#.
Contact Information:
Articles Authored
What’s New in C# 11
Last updated: Monday, October 24, 2022
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2022 - Vol. 19 - Issue 1 - .NET 7.0
If you’re interested in improving productivity, object initialization and creation, generic math support, and runtime performance, you’re going to be pretty interested in what Bill has to say about C#’s latest release.
Introducing C# 9.0
Last updated: Thursday, December 10, 2020
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2020 - Vol. 17 - Issue 1 - .NET 5.0
The C# compiler that ships with the .NET 5 SDK has been updated and streamlined; but C# 9.0 is supported only on .NET 5.0. Read this overview of the best C# 9.0 feaures to support native cloud applications, modern software engineering practices, and more concise readable code.