Bo Durban
Bo Durban is a partner and consultant with Moxie Data, Inc. He has been a software developer for over 13 years with an emphasis on reporting and Web development. He is the author of several reporting utilities including Moxie Objects for Visual FoxPro. (
Bo is the project manager for the GDIPlusX project, which is part of VFPX, a community effort to create open source add-ons for Visual FoxPro 9.0
Bo has spoken at Visual FoxPro conferences as well as local user group meetings.
Articles Authored
Leveraging Sedna Reporting
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 1 - Sedna: Beyond Visual FoxPro 9, VFP Conversion Papers
Sedna’s reporting features have made both the designing and rendering of a VFP report more extensible.In this article you’ll learn about a few of the new rendering objects that Sedna includes such as rotation and hyperlinks. You will also learn how to create your own custom rendering object and how to include a custom Builder interface element for it in the Report Designer.