David Schach
David Schach is a principal developer at Microsoft and was the developer lead responsible for LINQ to XML and XML language integration in Visual Basic 9.0. Prior to that, he worked on XML and object to relational mapping and XML features in SQL Server. He has been involved with XML, XSLT, and XPath and other XML standards since 1998. In addition to implementing XPath 1.0 and XSLT 1.0, he was also developer lead for msxml.
Articles Authored
Browsing Windows Live Expo with LINQ to XML
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 3 - Data Programability
LINQ to XML, which makes query a first class construct in C# and Visual Basic, is the new XML API in the .NET Framework 3.5. With the introduction of Language Integrated Query (LINQ), Microsoft is introducing LINQ implementations that work over objects, data, and XML. LINQ to XML improves on System.Xml in the .NET Framework 2.0 by being both simpler to use and more efficient. Microsoft developed this new API because the W3C-based DOM API does not integrate well into the LINQ programming model.