David Tansey
David Tansey is Director of Consulting for F1 Technologies, developers of the award-winning business application framework, Visual FoxExpress. Based in San Francisco, he oversees F1 Technologies' consulting projects and participates in product design and development. David was the primary developer of FullContact, F1 Technologies' framework for developing CRM applications.
David has spoken at the Computer Associates CA-WORLD software expo, at software development user groups across the country, and has published articles in CoDe Magazine and CAS-WORLD.
Articles Authored
Defining and Using Custom Attribute Classes in C#
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2003 - July/August
The complex, component-style development that businesses expect out of modern software developers requires greater design flexibility than the design methodologies of the past. Microsoft's .NET Framework makes extensive use of attributes to provide added functionality through what is known as "declarative" programming. Attributes enhance flexibility in software systems because they promote loose coupling of functionality. Because you can create your own custom attribute classes and then act upon them, you can leverage the loose coupling power of attributes for your own purposes.
Add Speech Recognition to your Applications
Last updated: Friday, October 28, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2001 - Issue 1
Dragon NaturallySpeaking and its associated Developer's Suite provide everything you need for speech recognition:stable ActiveX controls, quality documentation, and end-user "hand-holding" tools for installation and configuration issues.