Hilton Locke
Hilton Locke is a Software Development Engineer in Test at Microsoft Corp. He has been working on the Tablet PC team since before version 1.
A hardware junkie at heart, he lives for that just-unwrapped-a-new-component feeling. His current assignment on the Mobile PC team allows him to experience that feeling quite often.
Hilton lives in Sammamish, WA with his wife and two young-but-promising engineers.
You can find Hilton’s blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/hiltonl
Articles Authored
Introduction to Windows Touch Technology in Windows Vista
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 2 - Mobility
I think we’re making progress toward the goal of bending computers to conform to human factors rather than bending my human factors to conform to the way computers accept input.Ultimately, our brains will be plugged directly into “the grid,” but until then, users still have to learn how to type, control a mouse, and press buttons in certain sequences. The arrival of the Windows Vista™ operating system with Microsoft® Windows® Tablet and Touch Technology is another step toward really natural computing.