Kathleen Dollard
Kathleen is the Chief Technologist for AppVenture who specializes in code generation using AppVenture Foundations. She’s been doing research and real-world projects in code generation for most of the .NET lifespan and wrote Code Generation in Microsoft .NET (Apress, 2003). She’s also a member of the INETA Speaker’s Bureau and a long-time Microsoft MVP.
Articles Authored
Generating Code Using Visual Studio 2008 and 2010
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2010 - January/February
Visual Studio 2010 makes T4 easier to find and supplies a powerful new feature called preprocessed templates. Kathleen shows you how to use T4 in Studio 2005 and beyond.Microsoft included its T4 generation language in the box in Visual Studio 2008 and added important new features in Visual Studio 2010. Visual Studio 2010 makes generation easier to find and supplies a powerful new feature called preprocessed templates.Code generation lets you automatically create significant portions of your application. It has the potential to decrease bugs and increase your ability to alter code across your application as needs change. Microsoft’s generation language is T4 and it is included in the box starting with Visual Studio 2008. Visual Studio 2010 makes T4 easier to find and supplies a powerful new feature called preprocessed templates. I’ll show you how to use T4 in Studio 2005 and beyond.