Kevin Hazzard
CODE Author
Kevin Hazzard is a Microsoft MVP living in the Richmond, Virginia. He has been married for twenty three years and has children ranging in age from college to elementary school. He serves as a Director for CapTech Consulting, a mid-sized firm of more than three hundred consultants with offices in Richmond, Charlotte, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. specializing in project management, business intelligence, and software and database development. Kevin is an advisory board member for the Information Systems and Technology program for his local community college, where he also taught C++ and C# as an adjunct professor for more than a decade. He further demonstrates his commitment to public education by serving as an elected member of his local county’s K-12 School Board. Kevin is an organizer for several software developer community events including the Richmond Code Camp and the Mid-Atlantic Developer Expo ( Kevin’s first book, coauthored with Jason Bock, entitled Metaprogramming in .NET (Manning, ISBN: 9781617290268), is available now in electronic form ( and can be found on bookshelves everywhere in the fall of 2012. Kevin can be found lurking in the twitter-sphere at You may also e-mail questions and comments to him at
Articles Authored
Grokking the DLR: Why it’s Not Just for Dynamic Languages
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2012 - May/June
Many .NET developers have heard of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) but they don’t quite know what to make of it. Developers working in languages like C# and Visual Basic sometimes shirk dynamic programming languages because they fear the scalability problems that have historically been associated with using them. Also of concern is the fact that languages like Python and Ruby don’t perform compile-time type checking, which can lead to runtime errors that are very costly to find and fix. These are valid concerns that may explain why the DLR hasn’t enjoyed more popularity among mainstream .NET developers in the two years since its official release. After all, any .NET Runtime that has the words Dynamic and Language in its title must be strictly for creating and supporting languages like Python, right?