Michael Cummings
Michael Cummings is a Principal Consultant at Magenic with over 13 years experience as a systems analyst and software engineer. He is an experienced technical lead with strengths in systems architecture, software development, infrastructure design and deployment, and business process as it relates to technology. Michael holds multiple certifications from Microsoft and other certifying organizations.
Articles Authored
Implementing OpenID Authentication in an ASP.NET Application
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2009 - July/August
Today, more and more websites need to identify who their users are. However, in most cases this involves providing authentication, which requires storing the users handle and password. An alternative to this is to allow a third party to authenticate the user and provide your website with the identity. This absolves you from needless worries of securing the authentication information. An emerging standard for identification is OpenID (http://www.openid.net). OpenID is a shared identity service, allowing users to log into many Internet sites using a single digital identity. This article will explore how to extend the ASP.NET provider model to accept a user’s OpenID.