Michael Saltzman
Michael Saltzman in the founder of /training/etc, Inc. He has developed a number of courses on subjects like Perl, C/C++ and Java. Prior to becoming a lecturer Michael was employed by the National Security Agency where he taught programming and UNIX system administration courses. Michael has computer science degrees from American University and Johns Hopkins.
Articles Authored
PerlNET: An Introduction
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2002 - September/October
Perl is a language that has been around for a while and is one of the most popular open source languages among system administrators, Web developers and the research community. Meanwhile, Microsoft's .NET technology, which is comprised of a framework and set of tools, was recently released for creating sophisticated applications. Is it possible to have any connection between these two different worlds? Yes it is! Perl is now a .NET language. This is the first of a two-part series written to introduce and explore the tools and technologies that are giving Perl and .NET a new dimension.