Nicola Iarocci
CODE Author
Nicola is a passionate Python and C# developer based in Ravenna, Italy. He’s the co-founder of CIR2000 where he leads the development of Amica 10, an accounting software for Italian small businesses. He’s the creator and maintainer of a number of Python and C# open source projects such as the Eve REST API Framework, Cerberus, and more. Awarded the Microsoft MVP Award for Development Technologies and the MongoDB Master Award, Nicola is also a trainer and speaker. In his free time, he runs the local CoderDojo, a coding club for kids, and DevRomagna, the leading development community in his area.
Detailed Biography
Nicola is a passionate Python and C# developer based in Ravenna, Italy. He’s the co-founder of CIR2000 where he leads the development of Amica 10, an accounting software for Italian small businesses. He’s the creator and maintainer of a number of Python and C# open source projects such as the Eve REST API Framework, Cerberus, and more. Awarded the Microsoft MVP Award for Development Technologies and the MongoDB Master Award, Nicola is also a trainer and speaker. In his free time, he runs the local CoderDojo, a coding club for kids, and DevRomagna, the leading development community in his area
Contact Information:
Articles Authored
Learn Python with Visual Studio
Last updated: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2018 - July/August
Python has long been the favorite language of open-source developers. Nicola shows Windows and iOS developers how to take advantage of Python’s many qualities using Visual Studio.