Olia Gavrysh
CODE Author
Olia Gavrysh is a program manager on the .NET team at Microsoft. She focuses on desktop developer tools. With the latest version of .NET Core and .NET 5 coming soon, a big part of her work centers around porting to .NET Core experience.
Olia has a background in software development and machine learning. Before becoming a PM, she spent 10 years writing .NET applications. When she joined Microsoft, she worked on the .NET Framework for Machine Learning called ML.NET. She’s a frequent speaker at international developer conferences and a contributor to .NET Blog.
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Articles Authored
Windows Desktop Apps and .NET 5
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2020 - Vol. 17 - Issue 1 - .NET 5.0
This article describes the differences between .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.x and describes breaking changes from the upgrade. Overview of how to upgrade existing WinForms and WPF applications to .NET 5.
Upgrading Windows Desktop Applications with .NET Core 3
Last updated: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2019 - Vol. 16 - Issue 1 - .NET Core 3.0
It’s not enough that creating apps using .NET Core is better than ever before. Now, Olia shows us how with .NET Core 3, upgrading existing apps is easier, too.