Otto Dobretsberger

Otto Dobretsberger

Senior Software Developer

Otto is a Senior Software Developer with CODE Consulting. He earned a Bachelors Degree in Biomedical Informatics in Austria, and a Masters and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Houston. His background is in heavy computational genetic and genomic data analysis using C and C++. He specializes in WPF, C#, and C++, and is proficient in several other languages as well. His experience ranges from working on projects in the fields of biomedical image processing, genetic and genomic data analysis, analytical software for the oil/ gas industry, and custom control development. He has authored scientific papers, magazine articles, and is a frequent speaker at conferences.

Since 2014, Otto is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston, having taught various programming courses such as C++, Python, JavaScript, and Java.

When he's not writing code, he's usually found somewhere in the gym, training for his next powerlifting competition or defending his USPA National Records and IPL World Records.

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