Rachel Reese
CODE Author
Rachel Reese is a long-time software engineer and math geek who can often be found talking to random strangers about the joys of functional programming and F#. She currently handles training and evangelism for Jet.com in the NYC area, and has a habit of starting user groups: so far, in Hoboken, NJ (Pluralsight Study Group), Nashville, TN (@NashFSharp) and Burlington, VT (@VTFun). She's also an ASPInsider, an F# MVP, a Xamarin MVP, a community enthusiast, one of the founding @lambdaladies, and a Rachii. You can find her on twitter, @rachelreese, or on her blog: rachelree.se
Detailed Biography
Rachel Reese is a long-time software engineer and math geek who can often be found talking to random strangers about the joys of functional programming and F#. She currently handles training and evangelism for Jet.com in the NYC area, and has a habit of starting user groups: so far, in Hoboken, NJ (Pluralsight Study Group), Nashville, TN (@NashFSharp) and Burlington, VT (@VTFun). She's also an ASPInsider, an F# MVP, a Xamarin MVP, a community enthusiast, one of the founding @lambdaladies, and a Rachii. You can find her on twitter, @rachelreese, or on her blog: rachelree.se
Contact Information:
- Blog: rachelree.se
Articles Authored
Writing Concurrent Programs Using F# Mailbox Processors
Last updated: Monday, May 17, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2017 - July/August
Rachel takes a close look at F# mailbox processors to help you efficiently process messages. She covers replying, scanning (for a particular message or subject), and coordinating multiple agents, and makes it easy once you know which connections to make.
Tooling for Your .NET Projects
Last updated: Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2017 - May/June
You’ve been plodding along, nose to the grindstone, and you might not have realized that there are some useful tools out there that can make your .NET projects a little more fun to build. Rachel explores Paket, F# Formatting, and FAKE.
Accessing Your Data with F# Type Providers
Last updated: Monday, May 24, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2017 - March/April
You can access just about any data with type providers, whether in XML, JSON, or APIs. Rachel shows us how, plus a nifty new Swagger type provider.
Using F# Type Providers for Data Science
Last updated: Thursday, May 27, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2017 - January/February
You know that F# is the Next Big Thing, but did you know that it uses type providers? Rachel shows you how to use them to access data in no time.
Case Study: Writing Microservices with F#
Last updated: Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2016 - November/December
If you’re lucky enough to be involved in building a new enterprise system, you’ll want to check this out. Rachel takes a look at how the company where she works made some interesting—and forward-looking—decisions, and she shows us the benefits of microservices while she’s at it.
Why F#
Last updated: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2016 - May/June
Functional programming is all the rage and Microsoft's foray into the functional world is called F#. Rachel introduces you to this first-class functional language with the ability to harness the rich .NET ecosystem.