Rob LaMora
Rob LaMora is a Technical Writer at EPS Software Corporation, located in Houston, Texas.
Rob has nine years of experience as a technical writer and has won awards from the Society for Technical Communication for software documentation and online help systems.
He can be reached via email at:
Articles Authored
Providing User Assistance
Last updated: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2002 - March/April
One of the painful realities of software is that as it becomes increasingly rich with features, it becomes increasingly difficult to use.Despite the best intentions of software companies to design usable software, there is often a large conceptual gap between what users know and what software designers expect users to know. For a simple application, the gap may be small. For complex applications, the conceptual gap can be huge. As this conceptual gap widens, users are more likely to rely on software documentation and support services, resulting in decreased user productivity.