Stan Kitsis
Stan Kitsis is a Program Manager in the Data Programmability team at Microsoft. Stan has over 10 years of software development experience. His primary focus is on the XML tools, which include XML Editor, XSLT Debugger, and XML Schema Designer. Prior to working on the XML tools, Stan was responsible for parts of the System.xml and MSXML APIs.
Articles Authored
XML Tools in Visual Studio 2008
Last updated: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Published in: CODE Focus Magazine: 2007 - Vol. 4 - Issue 3 - Data Programability
XML is everywhere from XML Web Services to databases to config files to Office documents. This article will show you tooling support offered in Visual Studio 2008 that will make working with XML easier. It will cover editing XML files, working with XML schemas, debugging XSLT style sheets and extending Visual Studio by writing your own custom XML Designers.