Steve Lasker
Steve is a Program Manager on the Visual Basic team at Microsoft. His team is responsible for many of the Data Design-Time features for building client applications including the Data Source Window and the DataSet Designer. Prior to joining Microsoft, Steve was a technical architect and Director of R&D at a large consulting company building Web, client and device applications for corporate customers. Steve has an engineering background in the remote broadcasting and entertainment industries. Contact Steve via e-mail or send feedback on the VB Team Blog
Articles Authored
Drag Once DataBinding with Custom Controls
Last updated: Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2004 - November/December
Visual Studio 2005 will ship some great new controls, but suppose you want your own control to play in the Data Sources Window?In this article, I'll explain how the Data Sources Window in Visual Studio 2005 will enable you to extend the list of controls supported for Drag Once Databinding. I'll show you how to create a PhoneBox control and an AddressBlock UserControl.
Drag-Once Databinding
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2004 - September/October
Using the new Data Sources Window in Visual Studio 2005, developers can now drag columns of their typed DataSets or properties of their own business objects directly to their form. Visual Studio 2005 will create, name, and label controls for each bound property. For those that prefer to lay out the forms with the toolbox, developers can use "Connect the Dots DataBinding" to drag and drop from the Data Sources Window onto their existing controls.