Travis Vandersypen
Travis Vandersypen is a Senior Software Developer at EPS Software Corporation, located in Houston, Texas.
He concentrates on consulting on and developing COM-based, distributed applications. He is an international author and speaker, co-author of the Fox Extension Classes, co-author of the Voodoo Web Controls, and 3-time Visual FoxPro Excellence Award Nominee.
He can be reached via email at:
Articles Authored
XML UpdateGrams in SQL Server
Last updated: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2002 - January/February
The new XML features in SQL Server 2000 give the developer more power to implement distributed solutions.One of the newest features, XML UpdateGrams, allows the developer to handle the inserting, updating and deleting of records while getting around some of the limitations of URL queries and OPENXML. XML UpdateGrams perform their operations against an XML view, which is provided by an annotated XDR schema that contains the necessary information to map elements and attributes back to their corresponding tables and fields.
XPath Queries in SQL Server 2000
Last updated: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2001 - Issue 1
Imagine the potential of accessing your database without needing to know any specifics about how that data is stored.Imagine the possibility of allowing your DBA the freedom to change the database structure without affecting your software code. Impossible? Not with XPath Queries and XDR Schemas. Using these two methods, practically any developer can write a program to access data in SQL Server 2000, just by knowing the structure of the XML documents returned by the server.
Query XML from SQL Server 2000
Last updated: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Published in: CODE Magazine: 2000 - Fall
XML is quickly becoming the preferred method of passing information, not only for the Internet, but also across applications and within applications.Until now, developers have been forced to create our own routines to convert data stored in a database system into XML. With the release of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, however, you can query data directly from SQL Server in XML format.